Katie Bond When the angel came to her, he said, “Rejoice, favored one! The Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28 CEB We hear the word angel used all the time. “Oh, you’re an angel!” “Whew, that was close. I think I have a guardian angel looking after me!” or some variation of those statements. But what do we really know about angels? Angels act as God’s messengers. We know that for sure. One story we focus on around this time of year is the angel Gabriel delivering good news to Mary. I’d like to think that I would have the courage Mary had if God ever sent an angel to deliver a message to me. I picture myself smiling up and saying “Yes, Lord! Whatever you need!”. In reality, I think it would be more like “Ahhh!”, faint, end scene. And although Mary was frightened at first, Gabriel put her at ease and assured her of her purpose. He was not only communicating something important to her but was also watching over her as a protector. It is comforting to know that God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. - - - Lord, we thank you for your angels who communicate your truth and protect us. Open our hearts to receive whatever message you have for us and bless us as we try to live in a way that glorifies you. Give us the courage to do what you ask, for you know exactly what need. Amen. Katie grew up at Peachtree Christian Church and was actively involved in the youth program from grades 7-12. Her time in CAST, Peachtree’s Christian Acting and Singing Troupe, developed her love of theatre, which lead to a BA in Theatre (cum laude) from Samford University. Now, she’s back as the Youth Director with the goal of providing Peachtree’s youth with the same atmosphere of acceptance and love she experienced as a youth while encouraging them to follow Christ’s path. She is intensely grateful for her husband Jeff and her 7 month old daughter, Hannah. All time favorite things… spending time with her family at their lake cabin, quoting movies with her brothers and eating food. Because man, it’s good. I would love to hear from you. There are several ways to communicate and connect:
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October 2023