-Rev Melissa Fain- Last week you made yourself a cup of coffee, you rolled up to your desk in your PJs, and you lounged back to watch your specific church do worship. Only... It felt fake. That God feeling you felt in the sanctuary didn't translate. Well... there might be a reason for that. Worship is more than what is presented to you.Probably your whole life you've lived in the lie that having everything worship related pre-planned and laid out for you was all you needed. You didn't need do anything but show up. Your space was built for you. Your seat. Your location. Your worship. Now, only 1/2 the work can be done to prepare you to meet God. You are the power chord, the livecast is the outlet. (very very quick side note- not all livecasts see themselves as conduits or outlets, so not all outlets will produce a connection.) If you have not prepared your space to meet their space, you will not find a connection. "Nothing before God's Eyes"?That little sign above (which is a copy of a much larger sign in my basement) is a reminder of the beginning of the 10 Commandments: "Your God is a jealous God, you shall have no other God's before me." This commandment is literally talking about what we put in God's temple. Another way to see this could be, "Don't put other gods in my temple!" or from our perspective, "We shall have nothing before God's eyes." Are you scrolling through your phone while you watch on your desktop? You've brought something before God's eyes that is not your worship. Are you not intentional about your half of the worship space? You've created a space where you're bringing unneeded things before God's eyes. Have you not changed your clothes for God? You are bringing that before God's eyes when you "tune-in." If God can be anywhere- God can be online.When Fig Tree Christian did their second livecast ever years ago- we made that sign.
Why? Because look at your power outlets. They are worthless without connection. Your half has to be as intentional as my half. I've read so many disheartened ministers trying to do it all. I've read so many disheartened congregants already missing their live space. Stop. God is real. God is online. Take a breath before you log on, and create your half of the space. SHARE THIS POST! SHARE IT LIKE CRAZY! I don't need people at Fig Tree today, but God does want you in worship, wherever that might be. Find your space, to connect to their space, and you will find God. |
October 2023